Wednesday, March 26, 2008

I have legs!!!!!

I wore a skirt to work today. First time since October. There is still a 1" difference in my calf but not really noticeble if you don't know. I wore my heals too. That is until about 2:00 p.m. Thank God I had a flat pair of shoes at work. My foot was horribly swollen and not at all happy about the heals, best to put that idea on the back burner for a while.
Justin, my physio guy, told me to massage my foot by rolling a tennis ball around. That would break up the scar tissue and stuff. Well I have been doing that this past week. I have a tennis ball under my desk. There is a fine line between pain and pleasure. The more I dug that ball in the better it felt but today the bottom of my foot is so very tender. I really must learn the value of 'gradual'. I seem to cause myself undue pain by going all out too soon. Maybe that's my lesson for today.

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