I went to physio tonight and Michelle told me that she had done all she could do for me. My plan from the beginning was to move from physio to the gym. That has happened. Michelle told me to keep doing my balancing exercises and my treadmill. She was happy that I wore heals yesterday and suggested that I just wear them for four hours a day instead of trying to to the whole day. I guess thats why they're paid the big bucks, I never thought of that.
I was sad that Justin wasn't there for my last day, I'll have to go back just to thank him. They were a real fun bunch and they helped alot, physically and emotionally. I'll miss them, especially Michelle's foot rubs.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
I have legs!!!!!
I wore a skirt to work today. First time since October. There is still a 1" difference in my calf but not really noticeble if you don't know. I wore my heals too. That is until about 2:00 p.m. Thank God I had a flat pair of shoes at work. My foot was horribly swollen and not at all happy about the heals, best to put that idea on the back burner for a while.
Justin, my physio guy, told me to massage my foot by rolling a tennis ball around. That would break up the scar tissue and stuff. Well I have been doing that this past week. I have a tennis ball under my desk. There is a fine line between pain and pleasure. The more I dug that ball in the better it felt but today the bottom of my foot is so very tender. I really must learn the value of 'gradual'. I seem to cause myself undue pain by going all out too soon. Maybe that's my lesson for today.
Justin, my physio guy, told me to massage my foot by rolling a tennis ball around. That would break up the scar tissue and stuff. Well I have been doing that this past week. I have a tennis ball under my desk. There is a fine line between pain and pleasure. The more I dug that ball in the better it felt but today the bottom of my foot is so very tender. I really must learn the value of 'gradual'. I seem to cause myself undue pain by going all out too soon. Maybe that's my lesson for today.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Physio progress - March 25, 2008

I have been going to physio three times a week up until last week. Now I am going twice a week. I started out with some balancing exercises. At first it was very scary to balance on just my right foot. I had to make sure there was something at hand that I could grab for balance. I could maybe count to 10 before losing my balance. Today at physio I can stand on a foam form and throw a ball against the wall 10 times.
I started going on the treadmill after a week or so of physio. At that time I could only do 1 mph for a few minutes. Today I had it up to 3 mph for the first time and went for 5 minutes.
Doing toe raises is still quite difficult and painful. I can do them 50/50 but trying to put all my weight on just my right foot to do them is very painful. I can do 5 if I work myself up to it. Justin thinks its better not to push it right now if it's too painful.
I also walk forward and backward in front of a mirror for balance and to make my foot do a complete 'roll' when I walk. This is also more difficult backwards but I can do it.
Since the swelling has gone down a bit this past week I seem to notice individual weaknesses in my foot. My arch is very tender and my ankle seems weak. Justin asures me that it's not weak but is sure it just feels looser since the swelling has subsided a bit.
Progress has been very slow but there has been some.
I started going on the treadmill after a week or so of physio. At that time I could only do 1 mph for a few minutes. Today I had it up to 3 mph for the first time and went for 5 minutes.
Doing toe raises is still quite difficult and painful. I can do them 50/50 but trying to put all my weight on just my right foot to do them is very painful. I can do 5 if I work myself up to it. Justin thinks its better not to push it right now if it's too painful.
I also walk forward and backward in front of a mirror for balance and to make my foot do a complete 'roll' when I walk. This is also more difficult backwards but I can do it.
Since the swelling has gone down a bit this past week I seem to notice individual weaknesses in my foot. My arch is very tender and my ankle seems weak. Justin asures me that it's not weak but is sure it just feels looser since the swelling has subsided a bit.
Progress has been very slow but there has been some.
Return to the Gym

This week I have returned to the gym. Unfortunately I can't do more than 2.5 miles per hour on the treadmill for 5 minutes. That's my max. I have had to go to the bike. That I do for 20 minutes at the least resistance, but it's something. I am finding my ankle is pretty weak. The swelling is still an issue but not quite as much as before. Stiffness is still bad and I can't squeeze my toes properly. Progress since beginning physio has been painfully slow.
Shoes, glorious shoes

This continues to be my plague. My foot is either swollen, there is some calcium build up around the wound, or the horrible orthotics that take up a lot of shoe space that make it difficult to wear dress shoes. I have been wearing running shoes to work every day exept, so far, two days that I have been able to wear shoes. My foot is still very stiff. It is always 'sore' to walk although there is no real pain. Patience is something that runs very thin when you're trying on every single pair of shoes you own every single morning, praying that something will fit and feel right.
Total Physio - January 29th - March 27th, 2008

I called Total Physio because they are close to home. I spoke with Michelle who is the physiotherapist. She had never heard of a lisfranc injury so I asked her to do some research before my first appointment. She said that she knew she had heard of a lisfranc injury and remembered as something bad. When we met she said I have quite a bad injury. She proceeded to check my foot for flex and (whatever the opposite of flex is LOL). She looked at me like I was pulling her leg. Flex up is the same in both feet and flex down is close. There are some muscles in my foot that need to be strengthened but she was amazed at how much mobility I had. She said she fully expected me to come in with absolutely no movement in my foot. I explained to her that I was very stubborn and had been moving and exercising my foot often. She said I had probably done 90% of the physio I needed all by myself! She doubts I will need a month's worth of physio. I ROCK!!!! Plus, I am a very good healer. Go figure. She will do what she has to then give me direction when I can get back to the gym. As usual, I am thrilled with the progress. PS - had an appointment with Allison the Occupational Therapist and she is also blown away by my progress. She knows of another woman with lisfranc injury (last year) who has resumed running and is wearing heals and doing perfectly well. Allison said that she wasn't doing as well as me at my stage now. Ya baby!!
Dr. Petrisor - January 22, 2008
New Year 2008

I decided that one of my New Year's resolutions would be to walk again. I did. It was hell taking a taxi every morning and every evening. There were times when I was waiting outside in the frigid cold for 1/2 hr. I would put the dogs down in their pen then stand outside at the designated time. The taxi would be late. It was inconvenient having help in the morning and evening. I know that sounds odd but it was just more of my independance that was taken away. I bought my car on January 11th. I remember crying my eyes out that weekend because I couldn't take the seclusion of not being able to go out when I wanted to. I walked down to Shopper's Drug Mart (my boot was open toed and not made for winter walks) just to be able to get out. I sat in the drive way in my car wondering how I could start driving again. I moved it from one parking spce to another and realized that my boot did not interfre in the pedals. I could drive! I decided then an there that I was 'firing' all my help. I had had enough. I was going to drive myself and take care of myself and answer to no one. It felt good.
Chrismas 2007
Dr. Petrisor - December 18, 2007
The pins are to be removed. These 'pins' look quite like an allen key except they aren't quite as thick. They are about 4" long. They go straight through the bone. There are 5 of them! No freezing medication. They just yank them out. I had both boys with me which was no comfort whatseoever. One was hustling the nurse taking out the pins and the other was cracking jokes about the procedure. It didn't really hurt getting them out but it was disgusting. It feels a lot like have a tooth yanked out if the tooth was 4" long. This had to be done 5 times! The last one did hurt. I was very relieved when it was over. She wrapped my foot in a guaze. No more cast. I hadn't been told to bring my boot. Carefully the boys took me home so I could put the boot on. I had to wear that thing for another 6 weeks. I could start weight bearing in 2 weeks. I was excited to be making progress.
Dr. Petrisor - November 27, 2007

Dr. Petrisor took the cast off and did an xray. He was pleased with the results. I have 2 screws and 5 external pins. These things are disgusting. They put a full hard cast on and I still have no weight bearing for another 5 weeks. I get around with crutches if I have to or I have a wheel chair at home and am having one delivered to work as well. We make arrangements to have a taxi pick me up every day and also have a helper here in the morning as well as the evening when I get home. Swelling remains a huge problem. Each chance I get I keep my foot elevated and at home in the evening I use ice. The pins continue to be the most uncomfortable. When my foot swells the pins get pinched.
Home at last - November 13, 2007
Cindy moved in with me. She needed a quiet place to be until she got her stuff figured out. It really was a blessing during this time that we had each other. I stayed off work until my appointment on November 27th. At first I only had crutches at home with the walker up stairs. It was so hard just to get food from the kitchen to the family room. I would have to put it through the pass through to the dining room. Hop around and move it to the dining room table. Hop over and put it on a TV tray 1/2 way to the couch. Hop over and take it to the couch. It was exhausting to say the least. Finally I had a wheel chair down delivered and still had the walker up stairs. At least I could be a little mobile during the day. I still was in the soft cast, the pins were very uncomforable. I could feel them when I wiggled my foot or when the swelling was too much. I got up and down stairs by bumming it. I can't handle being home emotionally. It has been very, very difficult to have nothing to do but think all day. I will be returning to work after my appointment as long as everything goes well.
General Hospital - Nov 9th - Nov 13/07
I was stuck in Hell for 5 days. I asked them to take me off morphine the first night. That stuff just makes me loopy. They started giving me perks which also makes me sick. The next morning I tried to take 1/2 dose of perks. Within a few hours the pain returned with a vengence. The nurse wouldn't allow me any more meds because my chart called for 2 perks every 4 hours. I cried in agony until the male nurse gave me some. The next morning I had to wait for pain meds because they didn't have any on the floor. Along with my 3 room mates, we were confined to our beds and unable to use the bathroom. We were at the mercy of the nurses. There were many times that I was in tears because I had buzzed for a bedpan numerous times and they didn't come. This was a horrible place to be. Every day they promised that I may go home the following day. Every day there was a reason I couldn't go. Finally on Tuesday, Nov 13th I told them I was leaving at noon whether they like it or not. I left as I said. I hope never, never to return again. I'm finally heading home.
Finally, I went in for what was supposed to be day surgery. During my recovery I sprang a leak. I guess a blood vessel in my foot popped and I bled profusely before anyone noticed. I only remember a nurse saying I'm holding it. I guess I was wheeled back into the operating room so they could correct the leak. Apparently I lost enough blood that they considered a transfusion but then decided against it. My blood pressure (normally on the high side) crashed for days. I came out of surgery with a soft cast, 2 screws and 5 external pins. I ended up being admitted.
Mom's house - Oct 30 - Nov 9, 2007
Mom took me straight down to the fracture clinic of the General Hospital to see Dr. Petrisor. He seemed very knowledgable and knew what he was dealing with. He said he would do surgery and would try to get it booked for Friday. Well, things don't go exactly as planned I would soon learn. Surgery ended up being 2 1/2 weeks post accident. He took off the soft cast and I was able to use the boot. This way I could take a regular bath (something I did without in the hospital) . I spent this time of limbo at Mom's house because I was too afraid of the stairs at my house with my foot in such a fragile state. I basically lived in the recliner for the 1 1/2 weeks I waited for surgery. I only had my crutches, so even going to the kitchen was a planned trip. I ventured outside for lunch a day or two, but that was extremely difficult and exhausting. I could only walk on the crutches for a maximum of 5 minutes and my hip would ache.
Henderson Hospital - October 23 - October 30th/07
As soon as I got in the Emerg. they tried to get a pulse from my foot. They found one right away and it was strong. The pain was brutal. It took a long time to get any medication for the pain. They were very concerned that there was a possibility I may loose my foot. I was really shocked by that possibility. They finally gave me perks and the pain was tolerable. I was admitted that night and ended up staying there for a week. I had a soft cast on during my stay. Keeping the swelling under control was a full time job. I was not allowed out of my bed until the last day. I was not allowed to weight bear on my leg for a full 10 weeks. I learned in the Henderson that my injury was called a complete dislocation of my metatarsels, or Lisfranc injury. Basically my foot was amputated give or take some skin. They decided that they were not capable of doing this surgery at the Henderson and I would have to report to the fracture clinic at the General Hospital and see Dr. Petrisor. I was released from the Henderson on October 30th.
Monday, March 24, 2008
The Accident - Tuesday, October 23, 2007

I just returned home from Buenes Aires yesterday. I returned home feeling very unwell. Thinking I may have strep throat, I called and made a doctor's appointment for this afternoon. I was driving back to work, driving east bound on King St. to make a left hand turn onto Parkdale. As I was approaching behind another car, the light turned yellow. I followed the car in front of me turning left. As the car in front of me turned, I saw a van heading for me and I knew that it was going to be bad.
I assume I tried to slam on the brake just as he was hitting me, basically head on. The hit was hard. It spun me around and I ended up facing west bound in the far south lane. I knew instantly that my foot was messed up bad. I couldn't move it. The air bags had gone off and the acrid smell and taste was horrible but I couldn't get out of the car. I remember people opening the doors and me trying to lean out as far as possible. It was drizzling rain.
The ambulance was there very quickly. They helped me out onto a stretcher. My car was very badly smashed up.
The ambulance guys tried to put an IV in me to give me some pain med. I remember them asking me what number I gave the pain, considering the worst pain in my life was a 10. I told them it was an 8. They wanted to take me to either General or Henderson. I asked to go to Henderson. I called Mom on the way to the hospital.
I assume I tried to slam on the brake just as he was hitting me, basically head on. The hit was hard. It spun me around and I ended up facing west bound in the far south lane. I knew instantly that my foot was messed up bad. I couldn't move it. The air bags had gone off and the acrid smell and taste was horrible but I couldn't get out of the car. I remember people opening the doors and me trying to lean out as far as possible. It was drizzling rain.
The ambulance was there very quickly. They helped me out onto a stretcher. My car was very badly smashed up.
The ambulance guys tried to put an IV in me to give me some pain med. I remember them asking me what number I gave the pain, considering the worst pain in my life was a 10. I told them it was an 8. They wanted to take me to either General or Henderson. I asked to go to Henderson. I called Mom on the way to the hospital.
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